Mailing List
Hi My name is Josh. Just a short 3 months ago, I was in this bar in Cedar Rapids called Cocktails. Sure most of you locals have heard of it. Anyway, I was drinking a few beers and I was talking to this lady and somehow had mentioned that I was a drummer. Then this blonde hair comes out of the shadows and says "You are a drummer.... wow, we are kind of actually looking for a drummer are you with anybody right now??" We talked for awhile and then exchanged numbers and that next week, I got a phone call from Chad wanting to know if I wanted to stop down and check it out, jam out for awhile. Anyway, I stopped down to check it out, played a few songs and after about 45 minutes, we just did not seem to click and then all of the sudden BAM, it just happened. We just all the sudden came togeter and found each others groove, and the rest they say.... is history! |